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Our Services

We provide services in various fields such as family and couples counseling, individual therapy, with our team of expert and experienced Clinical Psychologists.

Our Experts

You can consult with our expert psychologists and obtain detailed information about your questions and concerns using the contact information of our specialists.

Contact Information

You can get in touch with our specialized psychologists via phone and email, access our address information, and communicate all your questions and concerns.

Neden Psikolojik Destek Almalıyım?

Bireyler günlük yaşamlarında karşılaştıkları sorunları çözmek için bazen profesyonel desteğe ihtiyaç duyarlar.

Birey gelişim sürecinde, içinde yaşadığı toplumla ilişki halinde ihtiyaçlarını karşılar. Bu ihtiyaçların en önemlilerinden biri olan ruhsal ihtiyaçların doyumu bireyin günlük yaşam kalitesini arttıracak…

How Can I Receive Psychological Support

and How Does the Process Work?

Step 1

Scheduling an appointment with our expert psychologists

The first step in resolving the issue you are facing is to acknowledge that you are experiencing a problem and seek a solution.

Step 2

Receiving expert support tailored to your needs

Resolve the issues you
are facing with the professional support of our expert psychologists her at Aktarım Psychology.


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